💳 #19 The Anatomy of the Swipe

Welcome to the final episode of Techonomics Podcast Season 1.
In our 19th episode, Arun and I sat down with Ahmed Siddiqui, VP of product at Branch and author of the book The Anatomy of the Swipe. We dove into Ahmed's entry into the payments industry, why he wrote his book, what Branch is all about, and concepts from the book.
If you're looking for a crash course in payments, particularly what happens when you swipe, tap, or insert your credit card, look no further. We also look at who the major players are behind the scenes, who takes on what risk as money changes hands, and how the industry is evolving. It's fascinating.
Also – if you share the podcast on any social channel and mention Arun or I, we will enter you in to win a signed copy of the book!
Lastly – Arun and I have a special announcement at the end of the episode. Listen in to find out, and we will be back in 2022 with Season 2 and more guests.
-- Jake and Arun